

Sudan is located between a latitude between 8.7 °N and 23.1 °N. The total land area is about 2 million km2. The country is administratively subdivided into 18 Wilayat (States), and these are further sub-divided into 80 District .

Administrative Divisons Map

Administrative Divisons Map

The states of Sudan

Human development


Sudan has about 39.6 million inhabitants. The population has increased 1.8 fold over the past 30 years. The economically active population is 13.2 million, 47% of which is employed in agriculture (down from71% in 1985). The rural population was 80% in 1985 and now it is 70%.

Population growth chart and 2015 population density map

Population growth chart and 2015 population density map

Population growth and population density in 2015 in Sudan. Data sources:FAO and Worldpop.


Human Development Index ranking and value

Human Development Index ranking and value

Human Development Index ranking for Sudan. Data source: UNDP.


Gender Inequality and Development Indexes

Gender Inequality and Development Indexes

Gender Inequality and Development Indices for Sudan. Data source: UNDP.

Health and nutrition

## Error in plot.window(...): need finite 'xlim' values
Child height-for-age Z-score and women's body mass index

Child height-for-age Z-score and women’s body mass index

Average height-for-age Z-score for children (a child with a score less than -2 is considered stunted), and body mass index for women. Data source: DHS.


MicroNutruent Density Index

MicroNutruent Density Index

Micronutrient Density Index (MDI) between 1961 and 2011. Source: Beal et al.
Prevalence of Inadequate Nutrient Intake

Prevalence of Inadequate Nutrient Intake

Estimated prevalence of inadequate intake (%) of micronutrients between 1961 and 2011. Source: Beal et al.

Land and water resources


The elevation of Sudan is between 0 and 2910 meters above sea level. Half the land area is below 490 meter and in between 410 and 610 meter.

Elevation Map

Elevation Map

Elevation in Sudan (m above sea level). Source SRTM. Download data.


The annual average temperature in Sudan is between 14.5 and 30.4 °C. The median annual average temperature is 27 °C and half the land area has an annual average temperature between 25.6 and 28 °C. For more details see the monthly temperature maps. For projected future climate change, see these maps.

data source: `WorldClim <>`__

data source: WorldClim

Average annual mean temperature (°C) for 1950-2000 in Sudan. Source WorldClim

The annual total precipitation in Sudan is between 0 and 1180 mm. The median is 130 mm and half the land area has an annual total precipitation between 30 and 390 mm. For more details see the monthly precipitation maps. For projected future climate change, see these maps.

data source: `WorldClim <>`__

data source: WorldClim

Average annual precipitation (mm) for 1950-2000 in Sudan. Source WorldClim


data source: `SoilGrids <>`__

data source: SoilGrids

Percent of organic matter in soil. Source SoilGrids
data source: `SoilGrids <>`__

data source: SoilGrids

Soil pH. Source SoilGrids


Map of Irrigated Agricultural Land

Map of Irrigated Agricultural Land

Percentage of agricultural land that is irrigated. Data source: GMIA

Land tenure

Food production

Crop production

Top Crops

Top Crops

Area planted to the major crops in Sudan. Data source: FAO.
Cultivation Distribution

Cultivation Distribution

Spatial distribution of sorghum and millet in Sudan. Data source: MapSPAM. More crop maps.
Crop Yield

Crop Yield

Crop yield over the past 30 years, for the main five crops in Sudan. Data source: FAO.

Annual linear growth rates of crop yield over the past 30 years, for the main five crops , were between 1.9 (Sorghum) and 31.4 (Wheat) kg/ha


Top Livestock

Top Livestock

Main livestock species (millions of heads) in Sudan. Data source: FAO.
Livestock Distribution

Livestock Distribution

Spatial distribution (head per km2) of sheep and goats in Sudan. Data source: Gridded Livestock of the World. More livestock maps.

Aquaculture and fisheries

Aquaculture top species

Aquaculture top species

Aquaculture top species by tonnes. Data source:FAO.
Fisheries top species

Fisheries top species

Fisheries top species by tonnes. Data source:FAO.


Agricultural Investment Credit

Agricultural Investment Credit

Agricultural Investment Credit. Data source: FAO.
Investment in Agricultural Research

Investment in Agricultural Research

Investment in Agricultural Research over time and by commodity groups ( data source: ASTI).

Yield gaps

Yield Gap

Yield Gap

Yield Gap (1000 kg / ha).

Fertilizer use

data source: `FAO <>`__

data source: FAO

Access and markets

Market Access

Market Access

Market Access. Data source: JRC.

Selected research and development priorities and projects

Nature conservation

Conservation Priorities

Conservation Priorities

Conservation Priorities.
Conservation Priorities excluding Urban and Agricultural land

Conservation Priorities excluding Urban and Agricultural land

Conservation Priorities excluding Urban and Agricultural land.

Political system
